Hobby Project
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Hobby Projects
Explore my curated list of Courses.
- Kata: Practice Kata exercises in Rust, Go, C++, C, Java, Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript.
- Pub/Sub: Redis Pub/Sub concept implementation (Rust).
- SkipList: Skip list data structure (Golang).
- Snowflake: Generate snowflake picture (Rust).
- Bloom Filter: Counting Bloom filter implementation (Golang).
- Bitcask: Key-Value store in Golang and Rust.
- Blog System: Blog system built with Next.js and TypeScript.
- Multiplayer Game Prototype: A multiplayer game using WebSocket (Golang/TypeScript).
- Plates: Generates readable hashes in license plate style, e.g., 沪 B·3W64T (Rust).
- Sowon: A "Starting Soon" timer (Rust).
- Ray Tracer: "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" implemented in Rust.
- Monkey Interpreter & Compiler: Interpreter and compiler for the Monkey language (Rust).
- Tiny HTTP Explorer: Simple HTTP explorer (Rust).
- Brainfuck JIT: JIT Compiler for Brainfuck in Rust and Go.
- QClock: A Quine clock in Go (Golang).
- ZhuGeQ: A message queue system (Golang).
- Hermes: Proxy server (Golang).
- Pokemon Wiki API: RESTful API for Pokemon data (Kotlin).
- Pokemon Wiki Spider: Elegant web crawler framework (Golang).
- DNS Server: DNS server (Golang).
- JiliJili Mobile: Clone of BiliBili mobile app (Dart/Flutter).
- JiliJili Backend: Backend server for JiliJili (Golang).
- Linear Algebra: Linear algebra library (Rust).
- Wakatime GO SDK: Go SDK for the WakaTime API (Golang).
- BiliBili RSS: RSS feed for BiliBili (Golang).
- Spidey: Tool to check internal and external link status on websites (Golang).
- Xkcd Comic CLI: CLI for Xkcd comics (Golang).
- Gtree: Tree command clone (Golang).
- YIM: Building a highly scalable IM system (Golang).
- Virgo: A TG bot universe (Golang).
- Go BiliBili: Personal BiliBili tools (Golang).
- Sudo SAT Solver: Solves Sudoku puzzles using a SAT solver (Golang).
- Tiny Trello: Simple Trello clone (React/TypeScript).
- Port Scanner: TCP port scanner (Golang).
- Tiny Chatroom: Basic chatroom (Golang).
- Open Policy Agent & JWT: Example of using OPA and JWT.
Early Projects
- Who Unfollowed You: Detects GitHub unfollowers (Golang).
- Toy Mall: Simple online mall (Golang).
- Alchemy: A small social community, with Backend and Frontend (Java/React).
- VoteSystem: Voting system with community and admin interfaces (Java).
- GradeSystem: Graduation project scoring system (Java/Vue).
- Generate Readme Icons: Icon generator for readme files (Python).
- Tiny Sqlite: Simple SQLite implementation (Golang).
- Toy Redis: A toy Redis with AOF persistence and command parsing (Golang).
- ToyTCP: Simplified TCP protocol with handshake and congestion control (C++).
- Gitlet: Basic Git-like version control system (Java).
- leptJson: Lightweight JSON library (C).
- My Lispy: A small Lisp interpreter (C).
- Algorithm Collection: Algorithms in various languages (Golang/Cpp/C/Java/Python/JavaScript/TypeScript).
- gh-pages Tool: CLI tool for GitHub Pages (Golang).
- Go Crawler: Web crawler (Golang).
- Tankwar: A simple tank game (Java).
- Todo List: Todo list application (Golang).