- https://github.com/liuyubobobo/Play-with-Algorithm-Visualization
- 思想是奇数宽高,最外围为墙,起始点要是奇数点,每次走两格方格,之间为路,然后遍历时候用不同的算法如 DFS、BFS、Random DFS 。
- The Buckblog
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm
- Maze Generation
- Maze Algorithms
Recursive Backtracking 思想:
Eller's 思想:
- 第一个随便将 cell 分成几个 set
- 每一个 set 下向延伸,至少有一个 cell 加入到当前的 set
- 将下一行没有加入已有 set 的 cell,自立一个 set
- 重复 2、3 直到完成
- 在最后一行,将所有剩余的独立集合通过水平连接合并起来,确保所有的路径都是连通的
Prime Algorithm:
- 随便选个 vertex 放到 V。
- 从 V 中找出最短的边,连接不在 V 集合中的 vertex,将该 vertex 放到 V 中。
- 重复 1、2
将最短变成随机就是,Randomized Prime Algoirhtm
Kruskal's Algorithm:
- 构造所有 edge
- 选取最短的 edge,如果连接了两个不相连的 vertex 则保留。
- 重复 2
Aldous-Broder Algorithm:
- 任意选择一个 vertex
- 概率均匀的访问 neighbor,并选中当下一个,如果没被访问过,则将经过的边添加到生成树。
- 重复 2
Wilson's algorithm
- Choose any vertex at random and add it to the UST.
- Select any vertex that is not already in the UST and perform a random walk until you encounter a vertex that is in the UST.
- Add the vertices and edges touched in the random walk to the UST.
- Repeat 2 and 3 until all vertices have been added to the UST.
Recursive Division
- Begin with an empty field.
- Bisect the field with a wall, either horizontally or vertically. Add a single passage through the wall.
- Repeat step #2 with the areas on either side of the wall.
- Continue, recursively, until the maze reaches the desired resolution.
Hunt-and-Kill algorithm:
- Choose a starting location.
- Perform a random walk, carving passages to unvisited neighbors, until the current cell has no unvisited neighbors.
- Enter “hunt” mode, where you scan the grid looking for an unvisited cell that is adjacent to a visited cell. If found, carve a passage between the two and let the formerly unvisited cell be the new starting location.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the hunt mode scans the entire grid and finds no unvisited cells.
Sidewinder algorithm:
- Work through the grid row-wise, starting with the cell at 0,0. Initialize the “run” set to be empty.
- Add the current cell to the “run” set.
- For the current cell, randomly decide whether to carve east or not.
- If a passage was carved, make the new cell the current cell and repeat steps 2-4.
- If a passage was not carved, choose any one of the cells in the run set and carve a passage north. Then empty the run set, set the next cell in the row to be the current cell, and repeat steps 2-5.
- Continue until all rows have been processed.
Growing Tree algorithm
- Let C be a list of cells, initially empty. Add one cell to C, at random.
- Choose a cell from C, and carve a passage to any unvisited neighbor of that cell, adding that neighbor to C as well. If there are no unvisited neighbors, remove the cell from C.
- Repeat #2 until C is empty.