Linear Probing Hash TableJune 4, 2024 · Technology #include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> // using liner proing & #define DEFALT_BUCKETS 8 #define MAX_KEY_SIZE 128 typedef struct hashmap { int n_bucket; int cnt; void **buckets; } HashMap; typedef struct node { char *key; void *val; } Node; int hash(char *str, int m); void rehash(HashMap *map); HashMap *Hashmap_new(); void Hashmap_set(HashMap *map, char *key, void *value); bool Hashmap_exists(HashMap *map, char *key); void *Hashmap_get(HashMap *map, char *key); void Hashmap_delete(HashMap *map, char *key); void Hashmap_free(HashMap *map); void node_free(Node *node); Node *node_new(char *key, void *val); HashMap *Hashmap_new() { HashMap *res = (HashMap *)malloc(sizeof(HashMap)); res->n_bucket = DEFALT_BUCKETS; res->buckets = calloc(DEFALT_BUCKETS, sizeof(void *)); res->cnt = 0; return res; } // // djb2 hash int hash(char *str, int m) { unsigned long hash = 5381; while (*str != '\0') { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (int)(*str); str++; } return hash % m; } void rehash(HashMap *map) { void **old_buckets = map->buckets; int old_n = map->n_bucket; map->n_bucket *= 2; map->buckets = calloc(map->n_bucket, sizeof(void *)); map->cnt = 0; Node *cur_node; for (int i = 0; i < old_n; i++) { cur_node = (Node *)old_buckets[i]; if (cur_node != NULL) { // FIXME: 优化直接使用原先的node 而不是释放copy Hashmap_set(map, cur_node->key, cur_node->val); free(cur_node->key); free(old_buckets[i]); } } free(old_buckets); } // if the key already exists, update value void Hashmap_set(HashMap *map, char *key, void *value) { if (map->cnt > map->n_bucket * 0.75) { rehash(map); } int idx = hash(key, map->n_bucket); int start_idx = idx; Node *cur_node; while (map->buckets[idx] != NULL) { cur_node = (Node *)map->buckets[idx]; if (strcmp(cur_node->key, key) == 0) { cur_node->val = value; return; } idx = (idx + 1) % map->n_bucket; if (idx == start_idx) { // FIXME: fail as we rehash when the load factor exceeds 0.75 assert(1 == 2); return; } } map->buckets[idx] = node_new(key, value); map->cnt += 1; } bool Hashmap_exists(HashMap *map, char *key) { int idx = hash(key, map->n_bucket); int start_idx = idx; while (map->buckets[idx] != NULL) { Node *cur_node = (Node *)map->buckets[idx]; if (strcmp(cur_node->key, key) == 0) { return true; } idx = (idx + 1) % map->n_bucket; if (idx == start_idx) { return false; } } return false; } void *Hashmap_get(HashMap *map, char *key) { int idx = hash(key, map->n_bucket); Node *n = (Node *)map->buckets[idx]; if (n == NULL) { return NULL; } while (n != NULL && strcmp(n->key, key) != 0) { idx = (idx + 1) % map->n_bucket; n = (Node *)map->buckets[idx]; } if (n == NULL) { return NULL; } return n->val; } void Hashmap_delete(HashMap *map, char *key) { int idx = hash(key, map->n_bucket); Node *n = (Node *)map->buckets[idx]; if (n == NULL) { return; } node_free(n); map->buckets[idx] = NULL; map->cnt -= 1; } void Hashmap_free(HashMap *map) { for (int i = 0; i < map->n_bucket; i++) { node_free(map->buckets[i]); } free(map->buckets); free(map); } Node *node_new(char *key, void *val) { Node *res = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); int n = strlen(key) + 1; char *k = (char *)malloc(n); strncpy(k, key, n); res->key = k; res->val = val; } void node_free(Node *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } free(node->key); free(node); } int main() { HashMap *h = Hashmap_new(); // basic get/set functionality int a = 5; float b = 7.2; Hashmap_set(h, "item a", &a); Hashmap_set(h, "item b", &b); assert(Hashmap_exists(h, "item a")); assert(Hashmap_exists(h, "item b")); assert(!Hashmap_exists(h, "item c")); assert(Hashmap_get(h, "item a") == &a); assert(Hashmap_get(h, "item b") == &b); // using the same key should override the previous value int c = 20; Hashmap_set(h, "item a", &c); assert(Hashmap_get(h, "item a") == &c); // basic delete functionality Hashmap_delete(h, "item a"); assert(Hashmap_get(h, "item a") == NULL); assert(!Hashmap_exists(h, "item a")); // handle collisions correctly // note: this doesn't necessarily test expansion int i, n = DEFALT_BUCKETS * 10, ns[n]; char key[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ns[i] = i; sprintf(key, "item %d", i); Hashmap_set(h, key, &ns[i]); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sprintf(key, "item %d", i); void *val = Hashmap_get(h, key); assert(val == &ns[i]); } Hashmap_free(h); /* stretch goals: - expand the underlying array if we start to get a lot of collisions - support non-string keys - try different hash functions - switch from chaining to open addressing - use a sophisticated rehashing scheme to avoid clustered collisions - implement some features from Python dicts, such as reducing space use, maintaing key ordering etc. see for ideas */ printf("ok\n"); return 0; }